Sharing the homestead journey and my thoughts about 'Living Simply', via short videos has been another dream of mine for many years. My sister Caz, who is an amazing creative artist - here is her website to see more, has been making videos of her own art making. Last year we swore that pinkie promise to each other to get our own dreams underway, and we've been supporting each other to get there. Recently she helped me create a YouTube channel and first videos!
It's lovely to finally have a platform to reach people to pass on some knowledge I've learned:
From childhood till age 23 spent working on the family farm and many years working in agricultural industries.
Gardening since a toddler; through moves to the UK as a 23-year-old (and coping with a very short growing season), to QLD (sub-tropical growing season); finally, a return to the temperate growing area of home.
15 years of living and working out in the world, away from Western Australia.
Almost 20 years of planning, planting and building my own family homestead.
5 years working in Land care; as a team member then coordinator of projects connecting people to nature and building community.
Almost 10 years of study as a mature student studying education and visual art.
A lifetime of volunteering and supporting programs and events to build community cohesion and collaboration.
… so, I have a lot to say and there will be more videos to follow :)
It's been an amazing start to this journey and thank you beautiful people out there who have watched, liked and subscribed to the channel. It's been wonderful to have your support in what is at times a tiring and lonely journey - but anything big and important always takes effort to get started.