Land art or earth art is an artform that uses a palette of natural media (stones, leaves, flowers etc.), often using the earth itself as a canvas. The artwork can be long lasting or ephemeral reverting back to elements of nature. Many ancient cultures also created earth art but in its modern form, land art surfaced during the 1960s and '70s, as part of the environmental movement. There were many American artists, but one of the most influential earth artists is Andy Goldsworthy from the UK.
Personally, I first learnt about land art as an art student at Edith Cown University in 2017, from Scottish born guest artist, Elaine Clocherty. Since then I've been involved with different community art works led by Elaine, Mitchella Hutchins and Nan Viv Webb. It's always inspiring and humbling working with these amazing women and change makers.
