Sometimes being at the bottom of lifes' pit is an opportunity for growth in unexpected directions. Not an easy journey but extraordinary teachers somehow appear. This was the case when living interstate.
I'd been drawn to Native American wisdom - a very similar philosophy to my farm background, in earth connection and respect for country, but a healthier connection to the Creator than our culture. For some time I'd been reading everything possible about Native American culture and history.
A chance meeting led to belonging with an extended family of Tuscarora/Crow nations people now living in Australia. Elder Dawn (Anpo Wichapi) led the family in sharing culture, so on weekend camp outs and meet ups, we sang, danced, learned crafts together and later performed with our friends.
Not being of Native American descent and respecting the teachings, we weren't able to participate in all cultural practices, which is as it should be.
Dawn was one of the stolen generation, ending up in an orphanage in London, much later finding her family members in the UK and the USA.
I will be forever grateful for those years of acceptance and friendship at a time in my life when deeply unhappy and lost.
The tuscarora crepe mrytle trees in front of my house are planted for Dawn 💛
