The Anastasia Plan
Before the world became a little crazy, people of all cultures adapted their surroundings to live well and simply. Beauty and harmony were of high priority and most importantly there was time to think. To set wise decisions in motion, mindful of consequences for generations to come. After a 25 year quest for truth, the Anastasia books provide more wisdom and knowledge than I've found anywhere else. Anastasia's philosophy is a deeper level of understanding of the path I was already on. I feel so strongly about the difference her words make to humankind, I've created a platform, 'The Anastasia Plan', to speak publicly about the books while creating my own Family Homestead to live simply

The first book, 'Anastasia', (Megre, V.) was written in 1996 and the English translation (Sharashkin, L.), released on New Years Eve, 2004. People responded to the books with artworks, songs: a lightness of heart and mind. Anastasia has managed to cut through accepted ideas by revealing truth and sharing a future vision based on equality, unity and purpose; for humanity and our planet. The books are really a handbook to holistic living, written in a narrative. Although I first read these books in 2015, my own life journey had been laying the groundwork to accept and recognise in these books the immense possibilities for us all. Currently there are over 10 million copies of the books in circulation.
Rewinding History
Over the last 50 years many changes took place that separated humanity from the earth. We forget that fridges, freezers and supermarkets are modern inventions. For many thousands of years people grew their own food and lived close to the earth. They literally knew thousands of species of plants; their food value and medicinal content. As Ron Finley, Los Angeles 'The Gangster gardener' says, "Cities weren't built for people. They were built for commerce". Commerce has dictated we keep its wheel turning; so we have less time to think and make wise decisions. Turning the wheel, drives the cogs of economics - but the pressure and stress of this life away from nature is making us sick.
Humanity has proven we can create big changes in short amounts of time. And we can reverse toxicity if the stakes are high enough. In the covid years pollution reversed; the land, waters and air were cleaner. People created a "global gardening boom" (CSIRO); proactively supporting their own physical, mental, financial and emotional health.

One Prepared Earlier
One of the most important things I've learned is the need to heal. Many of us are fractured human beings. Until we change our inner coding, we recreate life circumstances that mirror our inner beliefs. As we heal we increase our capacity to love and be loved: How can we attract and hold love and beauty, if we don't believe we're worthy of it?! Healing, and changing our inner coding takes courage, time and space to allow that to happen but the benefits are life changing! Personally, this journey took many years but my dream of re-creating my own version of my childhood home - my own Family Homestead - with a vege garden, orchard, and living a simpler life; was unshakeable. I just needed to believe I was worthy. So over the last 15 years I've been making that vision a reality. Reading the Anastasia books was for me like finding the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle that lit up and gave meaning to everything valuable I'd learned in life. Anastasia's dream for humanity is a continuation of the path I was already on. Like the proverbial cake in the oven of a cooking show, I can now show people what is possible, even if the only thing you have in your toolkit is a dream and the willingness to roll up the shirtsleeves and make it happen.
Looking Forward
Speaking at Mental Health Day events, performing Flamenco solos, and working as Project Manager on community projects and events, have given me the confidence I needed to haul up the anchor and sail my own ship; sharing the philosophy from the Anastasia books to inspire others. As a lifelong gardener and technically a fourth generation farmer, Anastasia's proactive and practical action plan for humankind makes perfect sense and is desperately needed in today's society. The magic and hope for humanity I see in the Anastasia books (versus the anguish and fear I see on television), is what drives me to share this information with others. We all have freedom of choice and of will, but learning how precious each and every person is on this planet is really powerful stuff! A very exciting time to be here on earth. I feel strongly that together we can, and will, work miracles.